QLTS Information for MCT Exam - Free Webnair

QLTS Information for MCT Exam
 - Free Webnair

QLTS Information for MCT Exam

 - Free Webnair
By: QLTS Private Tutor 

Date And Time
Thu, 10 October 2019
16:00 – 17:00 CEST

Event description 
QLTS Information Webnair - Q& A - 10 October 2019 at 16.00 (CEST)

QLTS Information for MCT Exam

 - Free Webnair

Are you planning to take the QLTS and need further information ?

In this free webnair we will discuss the requirements for the QLTS, the new SQE exam and the impact for foreign qualified lawyers and possible senarios following BREXIT.

This webnair offered by Sofia Parastatidou, a professional QLTS trainer, will help you understand what you need to succeed with the QLTS and how to best prepare yourself for these significant changes.

Places are limited to ensure that participants have a chance to ask their questions.

Need further details: send an email to qltsprivatetutor@gmail.com

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